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Angela is a good spirit that came from heaven to help Andrea not to kill himself ... that is a French  movie that was on foxmovies last night. 
 it's  in black and white ... the story is there is this guy Andrea Mossa who lives in Paris tries to jump from a bridge because he is so depressed and he has no money.. 
there is this prostitute who saves him.
 she is 180  tall girl.. blond and pretty and does not have much cloth on ...
She told him she is his reflection ,she can see through him ,she can see kindness and and sweetness and great kind of love and this is all feminine.
And he has the worst manly features.... greed , lies , ambition and fear of failure .. 
I am talking today about that particular scene when she takes Andrea to that public bathroom and put him in front of a mirror and teach him to see himself ..

 she says what do u see in the mirror ? 
he says a beautiful girl ..
she says what's next to the girl ?
he looks down to him self with sorrow and says nothing 
she says great that is an improvement at least you do not see ugliness any more .
now you have that empty vassal and you can start filling it with stuff ..
the she make him look at the mirror while she holds him from the back    
and she says :  see those eyes ? your eyes what to you see at them ?
he  looks again and say with hesitation  kindness 
she says yes that's right they are reflecting your kindness .. then she asks what else 
he says they are not bad she says they are beautiful 
he says maybe some gentleness 
she says yes a lot  and what else ?
he says love many many love 
she says sure lots of love 
he says too much maybe 
she says if there is too much it has to come out say that you love me 
he says pardon ?
she says don't you love me ?
he says yes a lot .. i mean i feel something but it maybe friendship..
she says hay do you love me or do u not ?
he looks at her deeply and he says from the very first day the very first minute 
she says so say it  
he says it's hard to say 
 she says do u know why ? because no one else said it to u , am i right ? he nodes 
she says it's so hard to love ur self when there is no one to reflect that .. i love u 
oh there u go you have received love  .. it's your turn 
he said i love you Angela , what ever your name is ..
she say you are right now say it with out my name 
he says i love you 
i love you Andrea


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